German Short Story Book (Deutsch Geschichte Buch) for all, children, kids & teens - Unique way of learning German, Panchtantra short stories are written in both English & German. Line by Line translation will help any individual to learn German in quicker manner with comparison to learning by other means. sample story...
The wolf and the fluteDer Wolf und die Flöte.---------------------------------------
Once a wolf stole a lamb from a flock of sheep.Einmal hat ein Wolf ein Lämmchen au seiner Schafherde gestohlen.
As he was carrying it off, the lamb said “I know you are going to eat me but will you please fulfil my last desire before eating me?”Als er mit dem Lämmchen weg war, hat das Kleine gesagt:“ Ich weiss, du willst mich auffressen, aber kannst du davor meinen letzten Wunsch erfüllen?“